Sunday, January 31, 2010

What is the point, anyway?

I cruise around the internet every day to read what others are thinking, making and changing. The blogs that interest me the most are the ones where the writer is trying to make sense of her life by finding what is important and making that the focus of her life changes.
There are blogs about personal finances, homemaking, crafts and so on. I love them all and am inspired by all the insight and accomplishments for the writers. There is so much wisdom to be gained from all these writings. I know there are many others who share my fascination with these blogs from the comments that they leave the other bloggers. But lately, there have been some changes in some of the blogs I have been reading for months, even years. Seems that there is some kind of competition as to who is the hippest, most creative or worst of all, the most enlightened. The mood has changed from friendly sharing and open communication to shameless self promotion and even ridicule of other bloggers who aren't so very self-actualized as the ones writing.
I didn't start this blog to compete with anyone. I am not the most productive, artsy or accomplished gal in blogdom. I just wanted to record pictures and thoughts and share them with whomever comes this way. Focusing on the path ahead makes more sense to me than judging the path of someone else.
Maybe it is time to clean up my list of favorites and look for some new, fresh and upbeat writers.
Wishing you a beautiful day and a sunny tomorrow.


Linda Foley said...

Oh I agree! I delete the bloggers that I don't find interesting anymore for one reason or another. Sometimes after I follow for a while I find they really aren't what I thought they are.

Of course my blog isn't about competition at all, but rather a place to just talk and share...

Malinda said...

That is why you are still on my favorites list.

Linda Foley said...

Ah! Thanks...

Jo said...

Lindy, "The mood has changed from friendly sharing and open communication to shameless self promotion and even ridicule of other bloggers who aren't so very self-actualized as the ones writing."

Omigoodness, you are so right!

There are certain bloggers who have become very aggressive, and oddly enough, their blogs are b-o-r-i-n-g!!!

I like your blog. Don't let other people intimidate. Write in your own voice, and keep on blogging...!